Report for 1904 HOWARD COUNTY
ALBERTON. A library containing several thousand volumes, maintained for the use of the inhabitants by Jas. S. Gary & Son, proprietors of the Alberton Cotton Mills, in which nearly all the inhabitants are employed.
ELLICOTT City (1,331)
St. Charles' College, now Terra Maria ruins. blog post HERE
St. Charles College. Established 1848. Librarians, Rev. Fr. C. Berkeley and Rev. Fr. A. Bernard, for the students; and Rev. Fr. P.T. Roux, for the faculty. Three libraries. One of about 15,000 volumes for the faculty; one of about 3,500 for the first division of students; and one of about 600 for the second division of students.
Rock Hill College. Established 1857. Brother Fabrician, Librarian. Contains 8,000 volumes. The expenditures for books amounted to $200 last year. The income is from students' fees and the library is used by the faculty and students.
Redemptorists' College Library. A collection of books, private, for the use of the faculty and students. Institution is a Theological Seminary of the Roman Catholic Church.
George Ellicott Jr. home becomes part of St. Mary's College. Blog post HERE
Report for 1905 HOWARD COUNTY
ALBERTON. Public library containing 2,400 volumes, maintained for the use of the inhabitants by Jas. S. Gary & Son, proprietors of the Alberton Cotton Mills, in which nearly all the inhabitants are employed. Open every evening from 7 to 9 P. M.
St. Charles College. Established 1848. Librarians, Rev. Fr. C. Berkeley and Rev. Fr. A. Bernard, for the students; and Rev. Fr. P. T. Roux, for the faculty. Three libraries. One of about 15,000 volumes for the faculty; one of about 3,500 for the first division of students; and one of about 600 for the second division of students.
Rock Hill College. Established 1857. Brother Fabrician, Librarian. Contains 8,000 volumes. The expenditures for books amounted to $200 last year. The income is from student's fees and the library is used by the faculty and students. School library of 250 volumes.
Redemptorists' College Library. A collection of books, private, for the use of the faculty and students. Institution is a Theological Seminary of the Roman Catholic Church.
Report for 1909 HOWARD COUNTY
School Libraries in about half the schools. Teachers' Library of about 300 volumes.
Alberton. Public Library containing 3,500 volumes, maintained for the use of the inhabitants by Jas. S. Gary & Son, proprietors of the Alberton Cotton Mills, in which nearly all the inhabitants are employed." The books are kept in a partitioned - off end of a large assembly hall where there are long tables with periodicals, papers," etc. Library is governed by a board elected by the membership. 76 members paying 5 cents a month dues. January to October, 1909. 908 volumes circulated. Hours, 7 to 9 p.m.
Ellicott City.
St. Charles College. Established 1848. Three libraries . One of about 15,000 volumes for the faculty; one of about 3,500 for the first division of students; and one of about 600 for the second division of students. Librarians, Rev. Fr. C. Berkeley and Rev. Fr. A. Bernard, for the students; and Rev. Fr. P. T. Roux, for the faculty.
Rock Hill College. Established 1857. Contains 9,000 volumes. The expenditures for books, $200. The income is from students' fees amounting to $300 and the Library is used by the faculty and students. Library may be used for reference by outsiders. Hours, 4 to 5.30 p.m., four days of the week, 2 to 5.30 p.m. two days of the week, and all day Sunday. Brother Fabrician, Librarian.
Redemptorists' College Library. A collection of books for the use of the faculty and students of this Theological Seminary of the Roman Catholic Church.
1920-21 Howard County, Public Libraries
Elkridge. Elkridge Public Library. 1,800 volumes. Miss Stintz, librarian.
Savage. 600 volumes. Library opened October 1, 1920. Has over $700.00 at its disposal. Moves into new building early in December. Miss Eloise Oliver, librarian
1922-23 New libraries
During the two years, 1921-23, four new libraries have been organized… the Ellicott City Public Library in Ellicott City…
Traveling Libraries Circulated total number of books owned by state 10,392
Clarksville 3
Dayton 4
Dorsey 1
Elkridge 1
Ellicott City 2
Glenwood 1
Oakland 2
Poplar Springs 2
Savage 5
Woodstock 1
Annual report to His Excellency the Governor of ... yr.1903-09. HERE
Annual report 1906/1907-1925/1927 HERE
Steiner, Bernard C. History of education in Maryland. DC 1894. 2 images HERE
©2023 Patricia Bixler Reber
Forgotten history of Ellicott City & Howard County MD
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